#WeLiveHere2017  intends to celebrate the community of Waterloo before the redevelopment reimagines the area, introducing a 70% quota of high-density private dwellings to the estate. By telling the stories of this inner city community, the project
  #WeLiveHere2017  intends to celebrate the community of Waterloo before the redevelopment reimagines the area, introducing a 70% quota of high-density private dwellings to the estate. By telling the stories of this inner city community, the project

#WeLiveHere2017 intends to celebrate the community of Waterloo before the redevelopment reimagines the area, introducing a 70% quota of high-density private dwellings to the estate. By telling the stories of this inner city community, the project will empower residents to participate in a collective statement of presence: a beacon to the place and the people. #WeLiveHere2017 is also a dynamic platform to generate valuable discussion around the importance of public housing and the right to a home.

#WeLiveHere2017 includes a social action campaign that is creating a vibrant archive of Waterloo through portraits and stories on Instagram, news and updates on Facebook. Commissioned by Art & About, project partners include local organisations such as Counterpoint Community Services, Carriageworks, Waterloo Public Housing Action Group.